Travel Tips And Advice For A Smooth Trip
Travel Tips And Advice For A Smooth Trip
The world is a big place and there is definitely a lot of it to see. Traveling to different cities you have never been to be for and seeing the different cultures, architecture, and arts can be very fulfilling. However, when traveling whether it be for fun or business here are some travel tips and advice to ensure you have a smooth and fun trip.
- Dress to impress – When you look sharp and classy opportunities tend to present themselves to you more often than not. If there is an unexpected opening on the plane in the first class section you are more likely to have it offered to you if you already looking clean and sharply dressed. Don’t miss opportunities and always dress to impress.
- Credit Cards – Make sure you contact your credit card companies and let them know the dates you will be traveling, and the locations you will be traveling to. This will help to prevent your cards from getting denied for fraud alerts while you are trying to buy those souvenirs or having lunch at the local restaurant.
- Slip on shoes – A nice pair of comfortable slip on shoes will save you so much hassle when going through the metal detectors at the airport and having to take them on and off.
- Save time at airports – In order to save time and hassle at the airports while traveling you’ll want to wear as little metal as possible. This will save you valuable time especially if you are running late and have to run to the gate to avoid missing your flight.
- Suit jacket – In order to prevent your jacket from getting creased and wrinkled you should hang your jacket utilizing the hangar hooks in the back seat if you are driving. If you are flying you’ll want to fold and and store your jacket before sitting on the plane. You’ll also want to roll any suit jackets you plan on packing if you don’t have a hangar bag.
- Checklist – Make a checklist and keep it in your bag/suitcase with all the essential items you’ll need to ensure you don’t forget anything. This will save you some money by not having to purchase items on your trip that you forgot at home. This ranks high on the list of one of the most important travel tips I can give. It never fails when I don’t have a checklist I usually end up forgetting something.
- Packing – Less clothes, more outfits, less bulk! Make sure you pack clothing that can easily be interchanged to appear like you have more outfits than you actually packed. Wear your heaviest clothing en route to free up space in your luggage.
- Dress shirts – You’ll wan’t to fold up your dress shirts you plan on taking bundles. Pack your shirt bundle at the very top of your luggage so it can easily be taken out and put on hangars when you arrive at your hotel.
- Shoes – If you are taking more than one pair of shoes you’ll want to stuff your extra shoes with the socks you are taking. This will help free up space in your suitcase and also helps prevent your shoes from getting crushed while in your suitcase.
- Shaving – Liquids have become a banned or heavily restricted item at most airports. A shaving soap bar should help to eliminate any potential hassles with airport security.
- Carry on – I’m sure you’ve heard the horror stories from people about lost luggage when traveling. Be prepared for this and always carry at least one day’s worth of clothes in your in your carry on.
- Pockets – It seems like nowadays we have more items to carry around more than ever – keys, phone, kindle, tickets, glasses, keys, and more. You can never have enough pockets. You’ll want to make sure you pack clothing that has enough pockets to carry around all those items you’ll be walking around with.
- Travel Snacks – You’ll undoubtedly get hungry while en route. It is not a bad idea to bring some light snacks with you – nuts, dried fruit, beef jerky, or any other snack you enjoy that doesn’t have a strong odor. You don’t want to irritate those around you with loud smelling items.
- Wet wipes – You can never go wrong with a package of wet wipes. There will always be something that needs to be cleaned up.
- Shower – If you know you’ll be on a long flight it might be a good idea to shower just before leaving to the airport. This is one of the most important travel tips I have learned.
- Audio Books, Podcasts and books – Make a list of the audio books, podcasts, and/or books you’ll want to listen to and/or read while on a long flight so you’ll be set and ready to go. This will help make the time go by faster while in flight and provide for some entertainment so you don’t get bored.
- Print Itinerary/Trip Summary – You’ll probably already have this information already on your phone/laptop in your email somewhere. As we all know computers crash, batteries die and then we are left wondering what gate we were suppose to be at, what was the address of that hotel. Save yourself the headache and print your trip itinerary.
Hopefully you’ll find these 17 travel tips and advice helpful for when you are planning your next trip. Let me know if there are any items I may have forgotten.