Summer Running + Water Hydration Backpack
Hydration Backpack
Summer is hot! Summer in Texas is hot! Like one hundred plus degrees hot. Some days when you open your front door it feels like a hot oven blasting you in the face. Being an avid runner and having run two full marathons before I know exactly what the training regimen entails for long distance running. That’s right, 26.2 miles of running. One of the most important things to remember when running is hydration. You have to consistently hydrate to avoid serious injury to your body. When training for a certain pace nobody wants to be stopping to hydrate and ruin their timing. That is why I like to use a really convenient and durable hydration backpack when I’m training.
During my training schedule I usually start off with short runs during the week. By short I mean three miles and then eventually working my way up to nine miles by the time my training is nearing it’s end. The short runs are geared more towards increasing my pace. With each short run my goal is to get faster and faster while simultaneously increasing the distance of my short run over time. The hydration backpack serves two purposes for me. One it keeps me hydrated while I can continue to run without stopping. Second, because of the added weight of the water it builds up my tolerance, so that when I am ready to run without it I will feel as light as a feather. I usually will go on a short run every other day giving myself at least one full day of rest in between to avoid injury, and allow my legs to recover.
Long runs are a whole other animal. My long runs are minimum nine miles and I’ll work myself up to about seventeen or eighteen miles by the time I finish training. Long runs are designed to build up endurance so that you can go that extra mile without falling over. This is where the hydration backpack also comes in handy. When going on long runs your goal is to build up your endurance over time. It is difficult to really get going and build it up when you have to keep stopping for water breaks to hydrate. Being able to continually hydrate while being able to keep moving really helps with this.
Yes, there have been times when I have asked myself: What the heck am I thinking? What am I doing to myself? Then I remember that feeling I had when I finished my first full marathon. Crossing that finish line gave me this sense of accomplishment that is just indescribable. Knowing that I am now in the one percent of the population who will ever run that distance. It’s a wonderful feeling.
When you begin training make sure to assess your current fitness level, what is your goal, and remember safety first. Don’t overextend yourself coming right out of the gate. You have to work up your endurance and speed. You are not going to be the fastest or longest distance runner right away. Just keep training and don’t give up. There are also running clubs in many cities you can join if you prefer to train with a group. Look them up and consider joining one.
You can find a really good selection of hydration packs on Amazon. Go check them out if you are considering getting one. Trust me it’ll come in handy. You’ll thank me later.