Summer Road Trip + Car Emergency Kit
Summer Road Trip + Car Emergency Kit
Road trips can be fun. Summer road trips are even better. There is nothing like the open road in the middle of summer with the music turned up and a destination point plotted with nothing but time in between. Having just got back from our vacation where we spent 8 hours driving to South Texas I am all to familiar with the open road. Whether it’s going on vacations or driving a couple of hours away for auditions I always tend to sing ‘Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty similar to Tom Cruise Jerry McGuire.
While our summer road trip vacation was a lot of fun and we made a lot of memories there is one thing I realized I probably should’ve taken with us. Upon planning our camping trip which will consists of another road trip, this time to The Ozarks in Arkansa I realized we didn’t have any type of emergency kit in our car. No first aid kit, jumper cables, safety triangle….we had nothing.
As I was doing some research I came across this 101 piece roadside emergency kit on Amazon. It comes with a first aid kit, heavy duty tow rope, safety triangle, self powered flashlight, and just a ton of other items you may need if you ever find yourself stuck on the side of the road.
Priced at only $49.95 this would make the perfect gift to your loved one for any special occasion. Nothing says ‘I Love You’ more than thinking about ones personal safety. It is always best to be safe than sorry. So the next time you or your loved one is planning on going on a lengthy road trip make sure as they are going over their road trip checklist they have a car emergency kit included.
Summer road trips can be fun, but should you over be stranded on the side of the ride in the blazing hot summer heat make sure you have the tools you need. You can go here to purchase this 101 piece roadside emergency kit for yourself or as a gift for someone you love.