Men’s Fashion Faux Pas – Short Sleeve Shirt With Tie
As my Men’s Fashion Faux Pas blog series continues today we discuss the short sleeve shirt with tie. It is commonly understood that there is no such thing as a short sleeve dress shirt. Dress shirts are long sleeved and typically go under a jacket and with a tie in order to be considered business professional and a dress shirt. Men usually like to go with a short sleeve button up shirt during the summer which is totally fine if you are going for the more casual look and trying to stay cool during the hot summer months. However it is considered to be a men’s fashion faux pas to wear a short sleeve shirt with a tie.
First and foremost the short sleeve shirt with tie just looks bad. It is not fashionable. It does not make you look business professional. It does not make you look cool. It just makes you look like you have no fashion sense or fashion decorum.
Secondly, the short sleeve shirt with tie look to stay cool doesn’t negate the fashion faux pas. You’re better off just rolling up your sleeves on your long sleeve shirt during the warmer months to stay cool. You’d be taken much more seriously as a business professional going that route.
Should you choose to go with a short sleeve shirt I would highly recommend ditching the tie. Also the short sleeve shirt should be worn slim to fight but not to tight. You want to be able to button your neck and be comfortable without all your chest buttons feeling like they are going to pop off at any minute. Choose a color that accentuates your skin tone and the rest of your outfit. Watch your prints. You don’t want to wear something with distracting prints that makes the person looking at you dizzy.
Pay attention to your collar choices such as the button down collar, point collar (soft version without the collar stays), and the convertible collar. The point collar is the more versatile option as it can go with many different outfit styles and be interchangeable. Soft collars are a little more difficult and look best with the top button buttoned up. When not buttoned up the soft collars tend to flare out and move all over the place and can be distracting and uncomfortable on the eyes. The convertible collar is the least versatile of the group and is made to be unbuttoned and very informal. Usually convertible collar shirts are meant to be un-tucked. Convertible collars are a retro look coming back in to fashion, the collar is meant to lay wide and flat and are good for outdoor leisure casual activities.
I hope you found this blog post informative and remember the short sleeve shirt with tie look is not fashionable so when in doubt opt for the long sleeve shirt with tie look when in a professional setting. Otherwise leave the short sleeve button shirts for the more casual events. As I always I’d love to hear your feedback and comments.