Men’s Fashion Faux Pas – Clothes That Don’t Fit
Men’s Fashion Faux Pas
As an actor, entertainer, public figure I try to stay on top of the latest men’s fashion trends, what’s hot and what’s not and try my best to evaluate how I am presenting myself in the public eye to avoid a fashion faux pas. I’ve always been one to sort of dress with my own style and stand out from the crowd, yet still being fashionable. I wouldn’t dare say that I’m a fashionista or anything like that, but I like to look good when I step out of the house. When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good you perform at a higher and more productive level.
One of the biggest men’s fashion faux pas I see people make is wearing clothes that don’t fit. Whether it be baggy oversized clothes that don’t fit and look unkempt, or clothes that are to tight and make you look like you are about to suffocate. Believe it or not the way you present yourself says a lot about you and other people’s perception of you. Depending on what you do for a living, what industry you are in other people’s perception of you can be a determining factor on whether or not you land that major deal, or them passing on you and leaving you in the hunt for the next major deal.
So here a few of my tips to avoid a men’s fashion faux pas and present yourself well:
- Tall tees – Throw them out as fast as you can. Yeah maybe they were cool with the hip hoppers circa 2000-2010, but honestly they just make you look like you are wearing a dress. Or so I’ve been told during my tall tee days. LOL. T-shirts should fit and be semi loose, but you don’t want them to tight either to where everyone can see every crevice of your torso. Length wise they should end at your waist or just slightly below.
- Jeans – Get rid of the baggy jeans, and stop with the sagging already. Nobody wants to see your underwear hanging. It looks pretty lame whenever you see grown men (teenagers also) walking around sagging with their pants almost at their knees. Measure your waist line and get appropriate fitting jeans and use a belt not only hold your jeans up, but also to accent what you are wearing. Jeans length should end just a little below your ankle, you don’t want to much slack down there because then it just looks like you bought the wrong size that doesn’t fit and sort of makes you look sloppy. This can also apply to slacks as well.
- Suits – Please, please, please know your measurements and buy suits that fit as best as possible or have them tailored to fit. There is nothing worse then seeing someone in a suit with a coat that is to big and baggy, the sleeves ending close to their fingertips, and their slacks baggy and extra material just crumpled up on their feet. Sleeves should end at your wrist or slightly before your wrist so we can see those expensive cufflinks and shirt cuffs. Suit pants should fit properly at the waist, slim with your legs and end just right below your ankles. Yes, we are suppose to see your socks when you suit.
These are just a few of my men’s fashion tips to avoid those men’s fashion faux pas. I hope this helps. Of course, I encourage you to have you own style and do what works best for you, but remember perception is everything and unfortunately people perceive you based on the way you dress. If you look disheveled than they are thinking you are probably disorganized, don’t pay attention to details and will make a lot of mistakes and they may not want to work with someone like that. If you like tidy, well kept and groomed they may see you as someone who is detail oriented, organized, well centered and will be productive and do a great job.
As always I would love to hear your thoughts and comments!